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Dear Administrators/ Officials,

My name is Guo Sheng, and I am part of the office staff at New York Chinese School.

We are excited to invite you to join us online for the fall semester at New York Chinese School!

We have converted our fall Program into online courses with reduced prices. Monthly in person tutoring sessions will be conducted on campus with teachers; this tutoring session is voluntary and the students can decide if they want to participate or not. Attached is the flyer containing more details. Registration fee of $30 will be waived if you made the tuition payment by July 30th. The following link will take you to the registration page

We are a non-profit, community-based organization, a parent agency of 60 civic and family associations in the New York Chinatown community. New York Chinese School is not only the oldest with the largest campus in North America, but we also provide the most professional campus with top hygiene standards. We were originally established as a school for overseas children in 1909, and we were chartered by the New York State Education Department in 1976. We encourage you to visit our website for more information on our 111 years of history and background.

Today, NYCS offers an after-school program for lower-K to 6th grade students. Besides, we have weekend adult Chinese classes and Cantonese classes to promote Chinese culture through language classes in Mandarin and Cantonese. Additionally, to complement and enrich the learning experience, the school offers a comprehensive list of classes in the creative/performing arts, such as Chinese calligraphy, Chinese poetry, dance, drawing/painting, and piano. Students also have the opportunity to join the Crimson Kings Drum Corps, a drum, fife, and bugle corps that is affiliated with the school.

We will also recruit teachers from public and charter schools to build up a solid foundation in math and English for your children.

Furthermore, under our new pedagogical model, we have built partnerships with Hunter College and City College of New York, welcoming professional Chinese language teachers.

New York Chinese school is a non-profit organization. All our staff is dedicated to upgrading teaching quality and providing the most enjoyable learning environment. We need your support to help promote our program to your friends and community. Your sponsorship of New York Chinese school will also be most appreciated.

Thank you for your consideration, and we hope you and your loved ones stay safe during this time.

Best Regards,

Guo Sheng Liu

Assistant to Principal's Office












 文件名称 2020 Fall flyer秋季班招生簡章 (6).pdf [Disk] 下载
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