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哥博律师楼 212-302-8888
诚信搬家 917-518-9998
大地360 广告服务
有意合作者请致详谈. Mr. Zhang: (347)-343-1888

Chinese speaking immigration Attorney for Partnership (flushing)

A Small Chinese law firm located in flushing Queen looking for an attorney who has some experience in immigration and criminal law. We are also exclusively looking for the attorney who is interested in partnership with our law office. This is a great opportunity for motivated candidate who is recently admitted or has one or two years experiences for seeking to have their own business in the future. Extremely and urgently looking for candidate who can work for long term and who can dedicate towards the company but at the same time gain his own professional experience throughout our own firm.

Candidates Preferences
Salary will be discussed according to your own experience after you are informed for interview
Candidates should be ready to attend court hearings and handle any other litigation work.
Have experience in traffic tickets regarding to points are highly preferred.
Must be licensed and registered by New York State ( Please do not send resume if you are not admitted yet )
MUST SPEAK Chinese or Korean
Please email resume and references to :
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广告位招租 极信资本 646-494-7278
成龙 SmArT SAT 917-640-6918 大地360 广告服务 华侨医护学院 718-445-5888 大地360 广告服务
华联瑞森 7187669775
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