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請您先行網上註冊,開學前一個星期(9月4日至9月10日)到校取書時帶支票前來繳費。支票抬頭請寫 NEW YORK CHINESE SCHOOL,並在支票上註記:1)學生姓名 2)您的聯絡電話和電子郵件


若您居住遙遠不方便親自前來繳費,可以金融卡或信用卡電話繳費(會加上3%的手續費):請於周二至周六上班時間撥打 (212) 226-3320 繳費。請確認您已準備好卡片資訊和您的聯絡資訊再撥號。

*我們學校的地址是 62 Mott St Floor 3Floor, New York, NY 10013







周六: 9:30am-4:30pm


再次感謝家長的支持,本校係非營利基構,全校教職員均以奉獻精神的熱誠來為學校服務。敬請 貴家長協助宣傳本校的課程給您的親戚友人,我們除了北美地區歷史最悠久擁有最具規模的校園外,同時提供專業的師資及整潔衞生的校園。就讀僑校的優勢一、優良師資:延攬哥大教師學院、亨特大學、紐約市立大學的本科學士或研究生任教。二、六年級、初三、高三畢業生,每一位畢業生分別有奨學金100元、300元及1000元:為讓僑校學生了解先僑的奮鬥史及中華文化的博大精深,中華公所前主席兼紐約華僑學校董事長伍銳賢先生及雲吞公司創辦人黃青新、CEO 黃本勁及董事李可星設立之華僑學校畢業鼓勵金。三、我校是北美地區歷史最悠久兼且擁有最具規模校園的學校,除了提供優良的專業師資外,且以校園安全及環境整潔為優先考量。四、僑校使用僑委會提供免費一系列精良印製的免費漢語拼音教科書。五、紐約華僑學校是中華公所60個僑團設立以服務社區為宗旨的學校,學生也能效法奉獻精神,致力中華語言及文化的傳承,回饋社會。




Dear Administrators / Officials,

Thank you all for your continued support and love for New York Chinese School. We hope you stay safe during this critical time.

Fall registration:

The early bird registration is from 07/1-07/31.

Payment method:

Please register online first before paying. You may come to school one week before the start of semester (09/04-09/10). For payment in checks: the payable to is “New York Chinese School”. Please also include 1) Your child's name 2) Phone number and Gmail address before mailing.

We accept payments in checks and credit cards. (with credit card, there will be a 3% transaction fee included)

*our school’s address is 62 Mott St Floor 3Floor, New York, NY 10013

Contact information

If you have any questions, please contact the school by email, and we will reply to you as soon as possible Email:

In the email, please include the following information1) Your child's Chinese and English name and class2) Your phone number3) Your question(s)


Call us at (212)226-3320 during Summer office hours:

Mon-Fri 9:00 am-4pm

Sat: 9:30am-4:30pm,

Sun: 9:30am-1:00pm

New York Chinese School is a non-profit organization. All our staff is dedicated to upgrading teaching quality and providing the most enjoyable learning environment. We need your support to help promote our program to your friends and community. Your sponsorship of New York Chinese school will also be most appreciated. We are proud to announce that we recruited teachers who obtained bachelors or master degrees from Columbia Teacher College, Hunter College, New York City College. We offer scholarships for our graduate classes. The graduation reward for primary school (6th grade) will be 100 dollars. For junior high school graduates (9th grade) it will be 300 dollars. For high school graduates it will be 1000 dollars. The graduation funds were generously initiated by Eric Ng, former Chairman of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association and Chairman of New York Chinese School, founder of Wonton Food Ching Sun Wong, CEO Norman Wong, and director Kexing Li.

New York Chinese School hopes that NYCS students can give back to the school and communities in the future and wishes that they would be willing to continue to promote Chinese language as well as culture. Our school has the longest history and the largest campus in North America. In addition to providing excellent professional teachers, it also prioritizes campus safety and environmental cleanliness. We also use textbooks provided by the Overseas Community Affairs Council.

Thank you very much for your continued support of New York Chinese School. We also hope that the epidemic will end soon and everyone can return to a normal life.


Principal Jennifer Wang & Teachers and Staffs at New York Chinese School
[Thumb - NYCS Student Fall_2021 Flyer_pages-to-jpg-0001.jpg]

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[Thumb - 2021 Fall programs_秋季班招生簡章_pages-to-jpg-0002.jpg]

[Thumb - School calendar 行事曆 _ Fall 2021_page-0001.jpg]

[Thumb - 2021年秋季繪畫班招生簡章_page-0001.jpg]

[Thumb - 2021年秋季鋼琴班招生簡章_page-0001.jpg]

[Thumb - NYCS Adult Fall_2021 Flyer_pages-to-jpg-0001.jpg]

[Thumb - 2021年秋季課後班招生簡章_page-0001.jpg]

[Thumb - 2021年秋季英、數、科學班招生簡章_page-0001.jpg]

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