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Lemon Tree Dental P.C.是一家全新的现代牙科诊所。我们以实惠的价格和以病人为中心的服务理念提供优质的牙科诊疗。 Kevin Hua 博士毕业于塔夫茨大学牙科学院,并在纽约长老会医院完成住院医师培训。华医生希望用他的经验和专业知识为法拉盛社区居民口腔健康服务。

华医生提供的服务包括牙齿清洁、深度清洁、牙齿美白、补牙和牙冠牙桥、牙周病、根管治疗、无痛植牙、假牙和拔牙。牙痛和其他牙科紧急情况也可以在同一天就诊。牙种植体治疗还提供套餐(种植体 + 基台 + 牙冠),咨询后以折扣价提供。

良好的口腔健康需要考虑很多方面,包括每天刷牙和使用牙线,以及每6 个月由牙医提供专业洗牙。牙齿疾病通常是不可见的,直到出现症状,例如蛀牙、牙齿松动、牙痛或脓肿才会显现。华医生尽最大努力为每一位患者科普牙齿健康知识,帮助他们预防牙病的发生。照顾患者的口腔健康是华医生的首要任务。

如果有任何问题或想要免费检查和咨询,请联系 Lemon Tree Dental P.C. 718-799-0717, 地址132-50 41st ave, 4th floor, Flushing, NY, 11355

Lemon Tree Dental P.C. is a brand new and modern dental clinic offering compassionate and quality dental care at a affordable price. Previously graduated from Tufts University Dental School and completed residency at New York Presbyterian Hospital, Dr. Kevin Hua wants to bring his experience and expertise to serving the Flushing community. Patients referred from Shi Jie Ri Bao journal can enjoy a clinic promotion of free exam and consultation.

Dr. Hua offers services ranging from dental cleaning, deep cleaning, dental whitening, fillings and crowns & bridge, periodontal disease, root canal treatments, dentures, and extractions. Dental pain and other dental emergencies can also be accommodated on same day visits. Dental implant treatment is also offered with a package (Implant + abutment + crown) at a discounted price upon consultation.

Good oral health takes into consideration many aspects, including daily brushing and flossing, as well as regular 6 months checkups by a dentist. Dental disease are oftentimes invisible until there is symptoms, such as tooth decay, mobility of tooth, dental pain, or abscesses. Dr. Hua tries his best to educate each and every patient to help them prevent dental disease before they become serious. Caring for his patient’s oral health is Dr. Hua’s top priority.

If there is any question or want to come for a free exam and consultation, please contact Lemon Tree Dental P.C. at 718-799-0717, 132-50 41st ave, 4th floor, Flushing, NY, 11355

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