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Lecture on Culture and History of Xiang Qi
by Xie Jun (World Women Chess Champion)
关于中国象棋 的讲座 主 讲人国际象棋冠军谢军
Demonstration on Blindfold Xiang Qi
by Dang Fei (The World Record Breaker of Blindfold Xiang Qi)
盲棋表演 表演者盲棋世 界纪录创造者党斐
Live Game with two Xiang Qi Masters Xie Jun and Dang Fei
与两位象棋大 师现场下棋
( If you are interested in playing the Xiangqi Game with masters, please email us at by Wednesday, December 10, 2015 如 有兴趣与两位大师下棋, 请在12月10日 前 与我们联系)

Cocktail Reception at the United Nations
Ticket Price $20 Early Bird $15
(Hors d'oeuvre and drinks will be served)
Time: 6:30 pm, Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Location: United Nations New York Headquarter (46th St and 1st Ave)
Buy Ticket Click Here.

Lecture at Columbia University
Free Admission
Time: 1:30 pm, Monday, December 15, 2014
Location: Columbia University Faculty House Garden Room 2
64 Morningside Drive MC2301 | New York, NY 10027

Lecture at NYU
Free Admission
Time: 10:30 am, Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Location: New York University Kimmel Center
60 Washington Square S, New York, NY 10012

Seats are limited. Please RSVP to to reserve your tickets.

Organized by World Xiangqi Federation, Chinese Xiangqi Association
Sponsored by Sino-American Cultural Council 

Liu Siming 刘思明
President of Chinese Xiangqi Association

Xie Jun 谢军
World Women Chess Champion

Dang Fei 党斐
World Record Breaker of Blindfold Xiangqi
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