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纽约市长宣布: 解除禁止纽约居民上路的禁令。史太登岛渡船周二(27日)早7:30恢复。

纽约州州长在7:30分宣布解除大部分纽约州通往纽约市道路的交通禁令,同时宣布大都会捷运也将在今晨(27日)9点恢复运营, 但在明天(28日)之前将按照周末时刻表进行。新泽西Path也将恢复运营。新泽西旅行禁令也于7:30全面取消。


Amtrak纽约到Albany, 纽约到Washington, 已恢复。 但纽约到Boston仍然没有恢复。

Alert issued 1/27/15 at 7:30 AM. Mayor de Blasio has announced that the travel ban for all NYC roads has been lifted as of 7:30 AM. All residents are allowed to travel on NYC roadways. In addition, Staten Island Ferry service has resumed as of 7:30 AM. Exercise caution when driving and allow for additional travel time.

Notification issued 1/27/15 at 10:52 AM. Following an earlier suspension, MTA Long Island Railroad, Metro-North Railroad, and Staten Island Railroad have resumed with limited service. All service will operate on a Sunday schedule for today, Tuesday, 1/27. See for details.

In addition, New Jersey Transit train service resumed as of 10:00 AM and New Jersey Transit bus service will resume at 11:00 AM. Both trains and buses will operate on a weekend schedule. See for details.

Amtrak service will now operate between New York and Albany. Amtrak Northeast Regional and Acela Express service will continue to operate on a reduced schedule between New York and Washington, but service remains suspended between New York and Boston.

Expect residual delays and allow for additional travel time.
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