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据纽约市政府通知,纽约周三(3月4日)下午7:00 到周四(3月5日)下午7:00 迎来另一场暴风雪。预计周三晚开始先下冻雨,然后开始降雪。最密集的降雪将会在周四的早上,在短短时间内估计将降雪2-4吋。 大约在周四晚7点,降雪会停止。 总共会降雪4-8吋。当局建议民众出行时需格外小心,因为能见度降低,开车非常危险。

Notification issued 4:25PM. The New York City Office of Emergency Management today issued a hazardous travel advisory for Thursday, March 5, 2015. The National Weather Service has issued a Winter Storm Warning for all of New York City from 7:00PM Wednesday evening through 7:00PM Thursday evening, March 5, 2015. Rain Wednesday evening will mix with or change to sleet and snow around midnight. The heaviest snow is expected early Thursday morning, with 2 to 4 inches of snow accumulation expected by the Thursday morning rush. The snow will taper off Thursday afternoon. A total of 4 to 8 inches of snow accumulation is expected with this event. New Yorkers are asked to use mass transit where possible. Use caution when driving and allow for additional travel time, as roads will be dangerous due to the weather conditions. Fore more info:

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大地360 广告服务 大地360 广告服务 华侨医护学院 718-445-5888 大地360 广告服务
成龙 中文学校夏令营 917-640-6918
华侨医护学院 718-445-5888
哥博律师楼 212-302-8888
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