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江先生 917-268-5136
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The Book of Songs (shi jing), an anthology of 300 songs-turned-poems from 1,100 to 600 B.C., compiled by Confucius (551-479 B.C.) among other scholars, is the first piece of literature of China. Timeless and beautiful, it remains as the glorious fountainhead of Chinese culture, from which all the later literary works and other cultural genres were derived. Subjects of these poems range from love, compassion and lamentation to laud and glorification. Its most outstanding descendants are the three poetic genres flourished from the 7th century through the 15th century: Tang poetry (shi), Song poetry (ci) and Yuan poetry (qu).

One of the most acclaimed courses taught by Ben Wang, Senior Lecture of Language and Humanities of the China Institute and award-winning translator, the Book of Songs and its quintessential spirit will be introduced and explored in the original texts of selected poems. Mr. Wang will offer this lecture in English. No previous knowledge of the Chinese language is required.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

6:30 - 8:30 PM

China Institute

125 East 65th Street

New York, New York 10065

Members: $25 Non-Members: $30

For questions or to register by phone, please contact Aaron Nicholson at 212-744-8181 ext. 138
or by email at
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