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Sunday, December 4, 2:00-4:00pm

Speakers: Ms. Liu Chan, Mr. Chen Lusheng, Ms. Zhang Anna

Event fee: FREE

40 Rector Street, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10006

Liu Haisu was a prominent twentieth-century Chinese painter and a noted art educator. He excelled at combining traditional Chinese painting methods with European techniques, especially those of van Gogh and Cézanne, and promoted this style as a model for revolutionizing art education in China. As the leader of art schools in Shanghai and Nanjing, Liu exerted extraordinary influence. The scion of a distinguished literary family, Liu studied calligraphy under Kang Youwei and traditional landscape and flower painting under Wu Changshi and Chen Hengke. He became one of the founders of the Shanghai Academy, the first art college in modern China. During the 1920s and '30s he organized several important national and international exhibitions and toured Japan and Europe, where he studied Western techniques and exhibited his own works. As a teacher, Liu maintained that painters should combine a knowledge of formal art theory with their natural talent and personal judgment, a departure from the Chinese tradition of copying the compositions and techniques of old masters. His works in traditional Chinese style were free-flowing and brilliant in color.

To commemorate the 120th anniversary of his birth, The Renwen Society presents a special symposium on the art legend on Sunday, December 4, 2-4 pm. Speakers include:

Ms. Liu Chan, daughter of Liu Haisu, Guest Professor at Nanjing University of the Arts, Honorary President of the Liu Haisu Gallery in Changzhou

Mr. Chen Lusheng, Former Vice President of the National Museum of China

Ms. Zhang Anna, President of Changzhou Liu Haisu-Xiayiqiao Art Museum

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