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Saturday, November 19, 2:00-4:00pm

Speaker: Prof. Yanzhe He

Event fee: FREE

40 Rector Street, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10006

Speaker: Prof. Yanzhe He of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, a renowned artist of the traditional Chinese landscape painting and author of many books on the subject, will focus this lecture on a comparison between the Northern School and the Southern School as well as between the Northern themes and the Southern themes in the history of the Chinese landscape painting. He will elaborate on all the major aspects involved in this comparison such as the intellectual ideas behind the images of the paintings, artistic styles and techniques as well as how the social backgrounds of individual artists likely affected their artistic styles. The speaker will also give a demonstration at the lecture of different techniques of brush work related to the Northern & Southern Schools.

This lecture is in Chinese. Seats are limited and advanced registration is requested.

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