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Thursday, December 8, 6:00PM-8:00PM

Speaker: Chiu-Ti Jansen

Event Fees: Free

* A copy of the book is included in the ticket price.

Location: 40 Rector Street, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10006

Join us on Thursday, December 8 to celebrate the publication of Chiu-Ti Jansen's memoir, Create Your Star Power: A Guide to Self-Fulfillment.

Chiu-Ti Jansen is a TV presenter, lifestyle magazine publisher and writer based in New York City with a pulse on China. Create Your Star Power is a lyrical and searching memoir in which Ms. Jansen comes to terms with her dual Chinese and Western identity and candidly examines the hardship and trade-off endured by an aspiring woman who discovered the meaning of her bittersweet success in a foreign land. Join us as she discusses her book and her experiences working in the fashion, business and entertainment industries. Returning from a book tour at some of the top universities in China, Chiu-Ti will also share her discoveries while writing for, and speaking to, China's millennials.

Event Schedule:

6:00 - 6:30 - Opening Reception

6:30 - 7:30 - Talk, Q&A

7:30 - 8:00 - Book Signing

To register online, plFor questions or to register by phone, please contact Aaron Nicholson at 212-744-8181 ext. 138 or by email at

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