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国家气象中心预报: 从2月13日(星期一)早上6:00至下午6:00,纽约将会有超过40哩的强风。

Notification issued 2/13/17 at 3:16 AM. New York City is experiencing intermittent wind gusts in excess of 40 MPH. During periods of high winds, residents should use caution when walking or driving high profile vehicles. Winds at these speeds can cause flying debris, turn unsecured objects into projectiles, and cause power outages. To prepare, charge cell phone batteries, gather supplies, and turn refrigerators and freezers to a colder setting. Always stay clear of downed power lines. If you are affected by an outage, turn off all appliances and keep refrigerator and freezer doors closed to prevent food spoilage. Do not use generators indoors. If you lose power and have a disability or access needs, or use Life Sustaining Equipment (LSE) and need immediate assistance, please dial 9-1-1.


Notification issued 2/12/17 at 1:00 PM. The National Weather Service has issued a High Wind Watch for NYC from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM tomorrow, 2/13.

A High Wind Watch indicates that conditions are favorable for periods of high sustained winds in addition to higher intermittent gusts. Winds at these speeds can cause flying debris, turn unsecured objects into projectiles, and cause power outages.

To prepare, charge cell phone batteries, gather supplies, and turn refrigerators and freezers to a colder setting. Always stay clear of downed power lines. If you are affected by an outage, turn off all appliances and keep refrigerator and freezer doors closed to prevent food spoilage. Do not use generators indoors. If you lose power and have a disability or access needs, or use Life Sustaining Equipment (LSE) and need immediate assistance, please dial 9-1-1.

Notification issued 2/11/17 at 3:55 PM. The National Weather Service has issued a Winter Weather Advisory from 2:00 AM until 12:00 PM on Sunday, 2/12. Freezing rain and an inch of snow is expected with up to a few hundredths of an inch of ice.

New Yorkers are advised to exercise caution when driving, walking, or biking, and allow for additional travel time as roads may be slippery. Residents should also check on their neighbors, friends, and relatives, especially the elderly and those with disabilities, and access and functional needs during periods of extreme cold.

For more information, please visit
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成龙 中文学校夏令营 917-640-6918
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