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紐約市交通局 (New York City Department of Transportation) 與清潔局 (Department of Sanitation) 今天共同宣布,換邊停車規定 (Alternate Side Parking) 將在全市範圍內暫停實施,以利冬季天候準備和清除積雪。全市的停車表仍將照常收費。如需更多資訊以及最新消息,請致電 3-1-1.

美国国家气象局(National Weather Service)已对全纽约市或部分地区发布暴风雪警报,预计将出现强风、低温、大雪,而且能见度也会降低。在暴风雪警报期间,请为可能发生的断电作好准备。请为手机电池充电、集中补给品并将冰箱及冷冻柜的温度设定调低。务必与掉落的电线保持距离。如果您受停电影响,请关掉所有电器、远离掉落及吊挂半空中的电线,并保持冰箱及冷冻柜的关闭,以免食物变质。请勿在室内使用发电机。如果您失去电力,并拥有身心障碍或行动上的需求,或者您使用维生设备(LSE)并需要立即协助,请拨打9‑1‑1。

Alert issued 3/13/17 at 9:15 AM. The National Weather Service has upgraded the previously issued Blizzard Watch to a Blizzard Warning for NYC from 12AM on 3/14 to 12AM on 3/15. The current forecast calls for 12-20" of snow, winds of 25-35mph with gusts up to 55mph, and cold temperatures. Snowfall rates of 2-4" per hour are possible which may result in whiteout conditions & visibilities of less than a quarter mile.

Notification issued 3/12/17 at 8:15 PM. NYC Emergency Management advises New Yorkers to prepare for a nor'easter which is forecast to bring cold temperatures, 12-18 inches of snow, and winds of 20-30mph with gusts up to 50mph to NYC beginning late Monday night through Tuesday, 3/14. This will create dangerous travel conditions including slippery roads and visibilities of one quarter mile or less at times. New Yorkers are advised to stay off the roads except in the event of an emergency. If you must travel, use mass transit.

The National Weather Service has issued the following:

Blizzard Watch in effect for NYC from 12AM on 3/14 to 12AM on 3/15

Coastal Flood Watch for BK, SI, & southern QN from 8AM-12PM on 3/14. Tides 2-3 feet above normal are possible for the south shore bays of Long Island and the lower New York Harbor. During a Coastal Flood Watch, minor flooding of the most vulnerable shore roads and/or adjacent properties is possible due to the height of the storm tide, wave splash-over, and/or effects of the full moon.

NYC Department of Transportation has announced that Alternate Side Parking regulations are suspended on Tuesday, 3/14 and Wednesday, 3/15. Meters remain in effect.

A major nor'easter threatens to shut down travel due to heavy snow and strong winds from Washington, D.C., to New York City and Boston early this week.
The snowstorm will first continue to bring snow and travel problems in the Midwest into Monday.
A storm will rapidly strengthen and track within a couple of hundred miles of the east coast of the U.S. spanning Monday night to Tuesday night. For many areas in the Northeast, this will likely be the biggest and most impactful storm of the winter.

At this time, it appears that areas from northern Virginia to northern Maryland, central and eastern Pennsylvania, northern New Jersey, central and southeastern New York state and a large part of New England will be shoveling out of 6 inches or more of snow from the storm.
A widespread zone of around a foot or more of snow is expected from the western suburbs of Philadelphia to New York City, Boston and Portland, Maine.

"New York City's Central Park has not recorded more than 10 inches of snow from one storm in March since the 1993 Storm of the Century," AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Kristina Pydynowski said.
This amount of snow over such a broad, heavily populated area could bring travel to a standstill as snow clogs streets and highways and heavy snow and wind trigger airline delays and flight cancellations. Some flights have already been canceled in advance of the storm.

For thousands of miles of roads in the region, this will be an unusually cold storm for the middle of March. Much of the snow that falls will accumulate on the roads.
"Residents should prepare for school closures and potential cancellations of sporting events due to hazardous travel for players and fans," Pydynowski said."

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