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个人资料 :: Davidhell
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注册时间:  11/12/2019 12:43:15
总发表数:  没有发表任何文章
发起主题: 没有发起任何主题
自我介绍: Hi, My name is David H. Burns and I am an application developer at Square Inc. I have been working here since Feb 2019. I have a bachelor degree in computer science from Northeastern University. I am proficient in HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript. I started my career in 2015 at Orix USA as an application developer. My office was located in Dallas, Texas. The environment here was very positive which helped me to develop professionally. During my working period here I learned advanced skills which improved my professional value. I enjoyed my time there. In 2019 I decided to take a leap in my career for professional growth and I joined at Square Inc. My working experience has been good here so far. People are cooperative and the company's policies are employee-friendly. It seems that I am going to spend a long time here.
联络 Davidhell
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