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To mark the 100th anniversary of the passing of Mr. How Zoen Fong, founder of the Commercial Press, and to commemorate the extraordinary life and achievements of this preeminent pioneer of modern publishing in China, the Renwen Society at China Institute and the C.V. Starr East Asian Library of Columbia University will jointly hold a book launch of A Pioneer Remembered: A Biography of How Zoen Fong and symposium on October 4, 2014 at Columbia University. Speakers at the event will include: Mr. Jim Cheng, Director of the C.V. Starr East Asian Library of Columbia University; Dr. Chi Wang, President of the US-China Policy Foundation and former head of the Chinese Section at the Library of Congress; Mr. Wang Chunshen, Board Chair of the Commercial Press in Taiwan; Dr. Tai-loi Ma, Director of the East Asian Library at Princeton University; Mr. Julian Suez, grandson of How Zoen Fong; and Mr. Chunmai Chao, author of the biography. See details and registration info at This event will be conducted in English.

10月4日,華美人 文學會和哥倫比亞大學東亞圖書館將聯合舉辦《典 瑞流芳--民國大出版家夏瑞芳》新書發表會和夏 瑞芳先生紀念會。夏瑞芳是商務印書館的創始人, 今年是他逝世100週年。屆時將有中美出版界、 圖書館界領 袖人物參會發言,包括哥大東亞圖書館館長程健、 美中政策研究基金會主席,前國會圖書館中文部主 任王冀、臺灣商務印書館董事長王春申、普林西頓 大學東亞圖書館館長馬泰來、夏瑞芳的外孫史濟 良、作者趙俊邁等。此次活動將用英語進行,歡迎 各界人士參加。詳情請見:

Date: Saturday, October 4, 2014

Location: 301 Uris Hall (Business School), Columbia University

2:30-5:00 pm - Book Launch and Symposium
5:00-5:40 pm - Viewing of publications by the Commercial Press prior to 1914, on display at the C.V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University

Free admission, but advanced registration is requested. To register, please visit the links above.
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